Augmenting Emergent Literacy

If all kids had letter/sound knowledge on day one of reception year, how much extra time would you have to teach the curriculum to the whole class?

Kyne Scribble lets nursery kids learn letters and their sounds all by themselves and provides real-time progress updates so nursery staff can put their effort where it's needed most, enabling them to deliver improved phonics skills on day one of reception year.

It takes minutes and saves hours.

Earlier learning of Literacy skills:

When we show a child an abstract shape and try to explain that it represents a sound, we’re asking them to make an abstract connection - it doesn't intuitively make sense.

To make sense of it via conventional (instructional and explanatory) teaching methods, a child has to employ significant cognitive ability to make the connection: “this shape represents this sound” and we are expecting them to do this when their brain is not yet fully wired.

For many kids, with or without learning differences (especially undiagnosed learning differences), it’s the first step on the path to underachievement or outright failure.

For this reason, many educationalists advocate putting off formal teaching until a later age - and they may well have a point.

While the one-size-fits-all approach of SSP works very well for 70% of our children, it’s not working for the 30% of children who fall through the cracks. These children are at risk of becoming underachievers who face a future of reduced employment prospects and compromised well-being.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Over three hundred studies (identified by the Lego Foundation) show that children are honed by Darwinian natural selection to learn through play. Play is the ultimate neuro inclusive system of learning.

With Kyne Scribble and Kyne Alphabet, children discover and make letters playfully, all by themselves. And in the act of making them, they trigger the sounds they represent.

They don't have to strain their limited cognitive powers to make the connection with an abstract shape or interpret verbal instruction. They get it directly, from their senses - and it's delivered straight into their memory.

In more technical terms: during Kyne’s play based kinesthetic and multi sensory learning, the neocortex integrates tactile and proprioceptive feedback with the other sensory inputs from the platform, facilitating a holistic understanding of the learning experience without reliance on executive function.

More simply: letters and their sounds pop out of their playful scribble.

Building a learning profile for each child.

Kyne uses machine learning to identify patterns that correlate with the learning outcomes derived from longitudinal studies. This enables us to build an "evidence bank" for the early recognition of Specific Learning Differences as the child progresses.

We believe there is a significant socio-political tail-wind for Kyne: The All Party Group for Dyslexia and SpLD's calls for mandatory universal screening for dyslexia and other neuro-divergences in primary schools.

However, no such screener currently exists, and the proposed single-point-in-time screening has significant pedagogical disadvantages compared to Kyne's continuous assessment model.

Administering such screenings would also place additional strain on already overburdened schools and teachers.

Moreover, with an estimated 80% of dyslexia going undiagnosed, uncovering these cases without a plan for intervention funding raises further challenges. Kyne addresses these issues by promoting early identification and a neuro-inclusive pedagogy, which benefits all students, not just those with Specific Learning Differences.

Kyne is also a digital tool that brings the entire classroom into your pocket. Our technology enables you to instantly recognize and respond to individual student needs, with virtual hands raised in real-time. By directing your efforts precisely where they’re needed most, this tool not only ensures that every student’s voice is heard but also saves valuable time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—personalised and effective instruction.